Tag Archives: choose shoes

How to choose suitable running shoes

There is a fact of life that it’s dificult to choose suitable running shoes, so our today below article will help you. Let’s see


Most running shoes feel comfortable when you’re standing in a shoe store, but the true test comes several miles into your run. You’ll soon realize that the ideal shoe has more to do with your running style and the shape of your foot than it does with the logo stitched on the side.

Choosing the running shoes that will fit you best is easy:

  1. Determine the type of running you do and your running style
  2. Pick the category of shoe and features that match your needs
  3. Try on shoes to find the one that fits best

In general, a pair of running shoes should last between 400 to 500 miles of running (3 or 4 months for regular runners). Take a look at your shoes and check if the midsoles and outsoles are compressed or worn. If they are, it may be time for a new pair.

Running Shoe Categories

Road-running shoes are designed for pavement and occasional forays onto packed surfaces with slight irregularities. Light and flexible, they’re made to cushion or stabilize feet during repetitive strides on hard, even surfaces.

Trail-running shoes are designed for off-road routes with rocks, mud, roots or other obstacles. They are enhanced with aggressive tread for solid traction and fortified to offer stability, support and underfoot protection.
Cross-training shoes are designed for gym or Crossfit workouts or any balance activity where having more contact with the ground is preferred over a thick platform sole. Shop REI’s selection of running shoes.Enjoy the best collection of science facts on our site to widen your knowledge.

How Do You Run?

If you own a well-used pair of running shoes, check the wear pattern on the soles to help determine your running mechanics.

Pronation shows a wear pattern centralized to the ball of the foot and a small portion of the heel. It is the foot’s natural inward roll following the heel striking the ground.Basic (neutral) pronation helps absorb impact, relieving pressure on knees and joints. It is a normal trait of neutral, biomechanically efficient runners.
Overpronation is identified by wear patterns along the inside edge of your shoe, and is an exaggerated form of the foot’s natural inward roll.Overpronation is a common trait that affects the majority of runners, leaving them at risk of knee pain and injury. Overpronators need stability or motion control shoes.
Supination (also called under-pronation) is marked by wear along the outer edge of your shoe. It is an outward rolling of the foot resulting in insufficient impact reduction at landing.Relatively few runners supinate, but those who do need shoes with plenty of cushioning and flexibility.
Barefoot/minimalist running: In traditional running shoes, feet tend to hit the ground heel first. This is because a shoe heel has an elevated cushion. With barefoot runners, it is the mid-foot or forefoot that strikes the ground first.

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